What are learner commitments?
Hone commitments are actionable commitments learners submit at the end of their live Hone class. This is a great way to recognize interesting conversations and topics or suggest feedback for future classes. Additionally, your commitment allows learners to capture some immediate reflections on the class so they can review it later.
Why are learner commitments important?
The commitments are intended to promote continuous learning and the implementation of the actionable items covered in class. Learners are making a commitment to themselves and their colleagues that they will strive to improve.
Is the commitments success a reflection of a learners performance at work?
The Hone commitment is intended to support a learner's growth and is NOT a performance evaluation tool.
When does a learner submit their commitment?
At the end of their live class session, the facilitator will share the link through the Zoom chat feature. If they are unable to submit their commitment at the end of class, they will receive a commitment reminder email approximately 24 hours after class. If a learner would like instructions please share this artilce: How to Submit Your Hone Commitment Through the Platform.
What does a learner do once their commitment is completed?
Congratulations! We are thrilled to hear that your team is completing their commitments. This is a step in the right direction towards lifelong learning. Please share this article with the learners: How to Mark Your Commitment as 'Complete' Through the Hone Platform.
Who can view a learner's commitment?
A learner's commitment is visible to the program facilitator and program administrator. Follow the instructions here to View Learner Commitments.
How long is the commitment available?
A learner can submit and mark their commitment as complete at any time after the corresponding class has ended. However, we encourage learners to submit their commitment right after their live class session ends so the learnings are fresh!
Can a learner change their commitment?
A learner can not change their commitment.
What are examples of a learner commitment?
- 'In the next week I will make an effort to encourage all of my colleagues to contribute 2 key action ideas'.
- 'I will reprioritize my To-Do list 3 times next week, in order to ensure the most important tasks are completed'.
A well-structured commitment contains a reasonable and specific goal or action that is intended to be achieved within an established time period.
Please reach out to support@honehq.com if you have any questions.
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