How to Analyze Membership Data

  • Updated

The Insights tab in the Membership Dashboard offers key performance metrics, enabling Learning Leaders to monitor learner engagement. Accessible via the Admin Dashboard, it includes filters by time, department, and location for customized data views.


1. Log in to the Admin dashboard and navigate to the Membership tab at the top of the screen.

2. Go to the Insights tab.


At the top of the Insights tab, four primary metrics are displayed:


Total classes attended:

  • The total number of Membership class sessions attended by each learner.

Attendance rate:

  • The total number of enrolled learners who attend their registered class. 

Avg. class rating:

  • The average rating your learners have given the Membership classes they’ve attended.

Learning effectiveness:

  • The percentage of learners who answered ‘Motivated and capable of applying it” from the L2 question “How do you feel about what was covered in class?”.
    • Click here to learn more about how Hone measures impact.


Engagement Over Time

The Engagement Over Time chart visualizes trends in class enrollments and attendance, offering insights into learner participation over different time periods.


Most Attended Classes & Superlearners

Most attended classes

  • The Membership classes at your organization that have been attended the most often.


  • The learners who have taken the most Membership classes



Engagement by Department

At the bottom of the Insights tab, a department-level breakdown provides a detailed overview of each department's engagement. 



Key metrics include:

Learners with access

  • The total number of learners from this department with access to membership

Engaged learners

  • The total number of learners in this department who have taken at least one Membership class

Avg. rating

  • The average rating learners from this department have given the membership classes they’ve attended

Attendance rate

  • The total number of Membership classes learners from this department have attended divided by the total number of Membership classes learners from this department have enrolled in.

Classes Attended 

  • The total number of Membership classes attended by learners from this department

Upcoming classes

  • The total number of upcoming classes learners from this department are currently enrolled in


Note: Each description can also be viewed by hovering over the information icon beside each metric.


Please complete the Admin Support Form if you need assistance regarding the Membership Insights page.

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