Please select a reason. If none of the identified categories apply, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
The program name can be found on the platform.
Please include the date/time of the class. Click the link for our Hone Membership schedule
Please select weekly, bi-weekly, or custom. If the cadence is custom, please share the schedule in the description below.
Please enter the time/date for each group in the description. E.g. Group 1 starts Sept 1 at 9am PST, Group 2 starts Sept 13 at 12pm PST.
Please include the new date/time in the description for the class or Group to reschedule.
Please include the name of the class(es) or Group to cancel.
Please enter as many names and email addresses as you'd like, separated by commas.
Please enter the learner's full name, email address, and department. If there are more than three learners/users, please attach an excel doc or link to google sheets.
If Open Enrollment (access to pick from all available groups), Type ‘All.’
Example:,, This ensures your learners have no issues accessing the Hone platform.
Please share all domain(s) associated with your organization. For example, if you have and, please share both domains, and
Please enter their full names & email addresses. Skip if not applicable.
Please enter the HRIS system your company uses.
All of our classes are recorded for internal, facilitator training purposes. We do not distribute these recordings outside of Hone. We also explain this to all learners at the start of the program.
If Zoom is restricted, please enter the video platform permitted by your organization.
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