Remove Learner in Membership Program

  • Updated

Admins have the ability to remove learners from Membership Programs in the Hone platform.  When an admin removes a learner from a Membership Program, and classes that the learner has completed are removed, all attendance data for those classes is lost. This means that if a learner who was removed at one point is re-invited to the program, they will need to retake any classes that had previously taken again to get credit towards the completion of the program. 

When learners are removed from a Membership Program, this does not remove Membership Access. To revoke Membership access, Admins can Deactivate Learners.


Steps to Remove a Learner from a Membership Program

  1. Log in to the Hone portal and navigate to the Membership program to which the learner is invited. 

  1. Navigate to the 'Learner' tab on the left-hand side and search for the learner. 


  1. Select the learner and a flyout window will appear on the right-hand side.


  1. Select ‘Actions’ and click on the 'Remove learner'.


  1. A dialogue box will appear confirming the learners who will be removed. To proceed, click 'Remove Learner'.


  1. A pop-up notification will appear to confirm the successful removal of the learner from the Membership program.


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