Deactivate Learners in Hone

  • Updated

As the Learning Leader, you can deactivate user accounts directly through the Hone portal.

Important Notes

  • Deactivated learners’ data will remain in the platform for reporting purposes.
  • The platform will do the following for deactivated learners: 
    • Revoke platform access
    • Remove Membership access
    • Unenroll the user from any future classes (to not impact attendance rates)
    • Remove learners from the ‘learners to follow up’ section in programs
  • If you have HRIS connected to Hone, the deactivated user from your HRIS will automatically deactivate the user in Hone. 

Steps to Deactivate Learners

  1. Log in to the Hone Portal.

  2. Navigate to the Learners tab at the top of the page.


  1. Select the learner you wish to deactivate. 

  2. A fly-out window will appear, click on Actions.


  1. Click Deactivate User.


  1. A popup window will appear with information regarding the user's deactivation.

  2. Click Deactivate user.


  1. From the Learners tab. A deactivated status should show next to the deactivated learner’s name.

  • Membership 'Disable' means the learner no longer has Membership access. 
  • Membership 'Cancel' means the learner's profile was reactivated and needs to be reset by Hone. Please complete the Admin Support Form to reactivate the learner's profile and Membership access. 



  • Deactivated learners who had taken a Membership class will be accounted for in the Membership learner engagement data.  

Please complete the Admin Support Form if you need assistance in deactivating or reactivating learners.

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