Steps to Setup HRIS Integration

  • Updated

As the Learning Leader, you can save time and energy during program setup by setting up the HRIS Integration into Hone. Instead of emailing .csv files to the Hone team, the integration automatically syncs learner data from your HRIS into Hone and updates it every night for accurate reporting. 


noun-info-1587161-EF4A81.png Please note: 

  • The person connecting the integration must have super-admin access to the HRIS API Key.
  • Please check with your HRIS representative if additional costs will be associated with the integration. 
  • Hone cannot support custom fields.
  • Setting up HRIS will not activate membership, invite learners to a program, or count towards your contract. You can view all of your employees in Hone under the Learners page. 
  • ONLY the following information can be viewed on the Hone Platform.

    • First and last name

    • Department and job title 

    • Location

    • Manager name and email address


HRIS Integration Setup

There are a few things you’ll do to prepare your HRIS for the integration, depending on the HRIS you use. 

Some HRISs require you to contact them before you integrate. Most HRISs require finding your API key and setting up an integration user. Learn what you’ll need here:

  1. Click this link to look up your HRIS and follow the steps below.

    • If it is listed under Self-Service, move to step 2.

    • If it is listed under Integrations Requiring System Involvement, follow the instructions under System Involvement.

  2. Click this link to look up your HRIS authenticating integration. 

  3. Follow the instructions in the document from step 2 related to your HRIS.

Once you finish the setup per the documents above, you can set up the integration on the Hone side.


Hone Integration Setup

Once you set up the integration on the HRIS side, you can set up the integration on the Hone side. You will have access to the steps below in Hone. 

1. Log into the Hone portal and click on team settings in the top right-hand corner. 

2. Click HRIS integration on the left-hand panel.



3. Click on your HRIS system and the details about the HRIS system will appear on the left-hand panel. Click on Connect.

  • Follow the prompts to enter the information you gathered when you prepared your HRIS for the integration.



After a few minutes, refresh the page and do the following to verify the integration was completed. 

4. You will see a checkmark icon and Synced at the top of the page. 

  • Please note: The sync may take up to 24 hours to complete. 




  • If HRIS is connected, admins can only invite learners whom the HRIS recognizes. 

    • Please check with your HRIS representative if additional costs will be associated with the integration. 
  • Setting up HRIS will not activate membership, invite learners to a program, or count towards your contract. 
  • HRIS will sync and update your employees' information every night, such as department, job title, location, manager name, etc.
  • Any manual upload via CSV Learner Upload will be overridden when HRIS syncs overnight. 
  • Inactive employees in HRIS will automatically be deactivated in Hone. Deactivated learners’ data will remain in the platform for reporting purposes. The following will occur for deactivated learners. 
    • Revoke platform access.
    • Remove Membership access.
    • Unenroll the learner from any future classes (to not impact attendance rates).
    • Remove learners from the ‘learners to follow up’ section in programs.
    • From the Learner tab of the admin platform, the learner will have 'Deactivated' next to their name.


If you are having trouble with the HRIS integration, our Hone team will be happy to help. Please complete the Admin Support Form

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