Learner Email Communications

  • Updated

The Hone platform sends automated email communications to prepare learners for a successful engagement. As the Admin, you also have the flexibility of when certain emails are sent.


For the Private Program: Click here for the PDF of the email communications.

For the Membership Program: Click here for the PDF of the email communications.


As a general guideline, you can expect that emails will be sent in the following scenarios:

Click on the title highlighted in pink to view the email context. 


Pre Class Email

Pre Class Email When
Program Invite Email

(Click here for instructions)

Private Program: 3 weeks before the program launches (recommended)

Enrollment Reminder Email*

(Click here for instructions)

7 days after the initial invite if the learner has not taken action (recommended)
Enrollment Confirmation Email Upon enrollment completion
Class Reminder 1 day before class
Waitlist Confirmation Upon joining the waitlist
Waitlist Invite Once a new group is available for enrollment

Moving a Learner

(Click here for instructions)

Upon move completion within the admin platform

Day of Class Email

Day of Class Email When
Join Class Email 5 minutes before class starts
Class Missed Upon class completion, if the learner hasn't joined

Post Class Email

Post Class Email When
Class Commitment Email 15 minutes after class concludes
Class Commitment Reminder Email 1 day after class if the learner has not completed the commitment


Assessment When

Learner Assessment Invitation

(Click here for instructions)

After the end of the program
Nominee Assessment Invitation Upon completion of nomination by the learner

Assessment Results

(Click here for instructions)

After self-evaluation and 2+ nominees respond

Assessment Reminders

(Click here for instructions)


Membership Email

Membership Email When
Membership Classes Update Weekly

Membership Activation Email

(Click here for instructions)

Upon activation


Other When

Learner Digest of Upcoming tasks/classes

(Click here for the FAQ article)

Weekly on Monday

*Click on the title of the email to make changes from the admin platform. 


If your learners are not receiving specific emails, please ensure they have safelisted our domains here, or email us at support@honehq.com.


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